The Metamorphosis

I recently finished a book, recommended by my friend, The Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka. Although, I think I understood the message being portrayed in the story, I personally wouldn’t recommend it as a casual read. It’s definitely something, if you’re just looking for a good story, to avoid. Nevertheless, I still want to give my…

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Notes from Underground

There are few books in my life, maybe even none at all, that I can truly say they changed my life after reading them. I know that’s such a cliche thing to say, as, it’s cliche to say things like “this book changed my life”, but after reading Notes from Underground, by Dostoevsky, and it’s…

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How to be “Real”

I want to talk about a particular aspect about myself that I’ve been extremely hesitant to share with anyone, for fear of the shame or even ridicule I might get. It’s not that it’s particularly a bad thing, per se, only that, it’s not something that I wanted to make public, and for good reason.…

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Misguided Virtue

This will be a controversial post. I can already tell. And, that’s not because I intend for it to be that way, but simply, I want to touch on a topic that has been bothering me for quite awhile, and, after some time, finally been able to get a more tangible answer I could articulate.…

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Terrifying Reality

I had a terrifying thought this last night, and I hesitate to share it, in fear, it may be taken the wrong way, but I fear far worse, if I don’t share these thoughts, or at least express them in writing, they will only continue to expand beneath my feet, only to overcome me in…

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How to Fight Contempt.

They say, other than infidelity, that one of the most common, if not the most common reason of divorce has some sort of financial under-pinning to it, AKA money problems. If you or your spouse don’t know how to properly manage each others money, not to mention, as a single entity, a couple, then it’s…

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Our Wrestle with Life

I’m really not trying to make all my posts religious. I’m really not, but I’m going through the old testament, the part of the bible that, for the most part, is greatly misunderstood, and as I’m going through it, it’s becoming more and more clear to me that these simple stories were not merely simple…

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The True Purpose of Religions. All of them.

It came to my attention over the past few weeks, as I’ve been diving into the idea of archetypes, that many people, they don’t understand what they are or they simply do not believe in them. And I came to the conclusion that, it’s not that these people who seem to reject the idea of…

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Find Your Potential and You’ve Found the Future.

Like most of the inspiration that motivates me to blog these posts, the particular drive, you can call it, that caused me to write this one started with a conversation. I was talking to my friend, and this time it was another discussion about nihilism. To be clear, I probably should include what the definition…

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Aggressive first

Have you ever taken a look at your self? And I don’t mean that in a sarcastic way, or even a dismissive way, but I truly and seriously mean it. Imagine this, you’re driving down the highway, minding your own business, then some jerk cuts you off, then takes a quick left turn. You have…

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