“Attention! Here and Now.”

Do you know why I chose the title I chose? It’s from a book by Aldous Huxley called Island. It was one of his last works, if not his last, that he wrote before he died. Although not considered his most well-known books, it is widely considered one of his most important, as it was, indeed, written…

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Horus and Jesus Christ: A Transformation Story.

I don’t know if anyone actually closely follows my blog, but if you do, I want to say a few things. First, I apologize I haven’t been writing these past few days, and it’s not because I didn’t have anything to write about, but rather, I didn’t yet know how I wanted to write it.…

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Answer To Job

One of Carl Jung’s most controversial works, Answer to Job, is a deep psychological and mythological breakdown of, perhaps, the most confusing books of the Bible: The Book of Job, and, in turn, God as a psychological phenomenon. I’m not sure how many of you are familiar with the actual story of Job, but I should give…

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Terrifying Reality

I had a terrifying thought this last night, and I hesitate to share it, in fear, it may be taken the wrong way, but I fear far worse, if I don’t share these thoughts, or at least express them in writing, they will only continue to expand beneath my feet, only to overcome me in…

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Aggressive first

Have you ever taken a look at your self? And I don’t mean that in a sarcastic way, or even a dismissive way, but I truly and seriously mean it. Imagine this, you’re driving down the highway, minding your own business, then some jerk cuts you off, then takes a quick left turn. You have…

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What I Think Christians Get Wrong About God. (pt. 1)

I’m going to start off by saying this. Before I even started writing this post, I already knew that there would be multiple parts to this idea, thus I put in parentheses “pt. 1.” I can’t tell you how many parts there will be to this, but I can tell you, everything I’m about to…

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